School Closings
School Closings at Sussex County Charter School
We understand that delayed openings and closings are very challenging in a multi-district school such as the Charter School. The safety of our students is our top priority, so we ask you to follow our lead and the lead of your school district when there are weather-related school closings in the area. A good way to find out if your district or the Charter School is closed is to listen to the 102.3 School Closing List or you can watch Channel 12. You will be notified by telephone of school delays or closings through the School Messenger Emergency System.

If Sussex County Charter School Has a Delayed Opening
- The Charter School has a delayed opening then too.
- The Technical School typically tells its students to report by 9:15 a.m. which is about an hour and 45-minute delay.
- High Point and Vernon students – regardless of the delay Tech reports, your buses to Tech and Charter are on a two-hour delay.
- We believe that all other districts bus their students based on their delay time as reported on WSUS. Please contact your local district transportation department directly for more information.
IMPORTANT REMINDER – Please do not drop students off before the Tech/Charter start time.
If Sussex County Charter School Closes
The Charter School closes and is delayed when the Sussex County Charter School closes, because we have to report whatever delay/closing that the Technical School does as we share bussing.
If Your District Closes
If your district closes, then your student is not expected to attend school that day. Your student will be marked as a “Snow Absence” which is an excused absence. If your district is closed but we are open, you may drive your student to school – but there will be no bus transportation to and from your district.